Showing posts with label Advantages and Disadvantages of Aquaponics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advantages and Disadvantages of Aquaponics. Show all posts

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Advantages and Disadvantages of Aquaponics

Advantages and Disadvantages of Aquaponics

posted Feb 6, 2011, 10:17 AM by Matthew McCarthy   [ updated Feb 6, 2011, 2:27 PM ]
We covered this briefly during the early part of our research phase but I though it would be good to provide some additional detail and opinion now that we have researched aquaponics in greater depth and have some personel experience.  It is obvious (from looking through this site) that I have a bais in favour of aquaponics (we have invested significant time, energy and money in aquaponics) though I have attempted to set this aside and provide an unbiased assessment of some of the claimed advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this post is is to determine if there is evidence to support the commonly made claims found on forums and wedsites (and as important some of the perceived claims) and where there isn't to provide an opinion based on our experience and/or the information available.

The emphasis of this list is a discussion relating to back yard systems rather then commercial systems.